Avoid Holiday Weight Gain With These 3 Tips

The holiday season is here and with it comes fun, family and feasts. Before you know it, we’ll be piling our plates with turkey, stuffing, potatoes and more. But before you head back to the buffet for seconds, you might want to think about some ways to avoid undoing all the hard work you do to stay healthy each day. Try these science-backed strategies to indulging without overdoing it.


Sure, it feels good to lie down after filling up on a holiday meal. But even though turkey is notorious for bringing on the zzzzs — it contains tryptophan, a naturally-occurring amino acid that is often argued to increase drowsiness as are carb-rich casseroles, potatoes and pumpkin pies, resist the urge to sleep. Snoozing after a large meal can lead to weight gain and increase your risk of stroke and, according to a study from The American Journal of Gastroenterology , heartburn and acid reflux.


To stay satiated but still alert, keep portions small (you can always go back for more!) and eat slowly to allow your brain to recognize if you’re full. Then wait a few hours before you give in to your feast-induced nap. Your body won’t feel bogged down come Black Friday, letting you clip in and dance it out with plenty of strength throughout your holiday season!


There’s no better way to stay motivated during the holidays than by sticking to your workout routine. Check out the MOXIE Schedule online!

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